After 9 long months of anticipation, I think I am ready.. as ready as I will ever be for bringing a child into the world. All of the superficial things are complete: bag packed, nursery decorated, clothes washed, house clean (if it can ever be clean enough?) comes the hard part - the WAITING!!
After a visit to the Dr. on Monday, I was given the good news that I am scheduled for an induction on Wed. Oct. 29th!!! It sounds too good to be true and will be too good to be true if my body is not naturally on the way to delivery... so let's hope for the best over the rest of the week and hope that Julia is ready to make her big entrance! We are so ready to meet her!! My official due date is November 5th so a week early would hopefully ensure that she will not be as big as her brother was (9lbs. 13 at a week overdue!!) Regardless of how or when she arrives, we are so ready to welcome her into our family... The final decision on the induction will be made on Monday Oct. 27th at my next Dr. appt. He will check my cervix to see if things are progressing before he officially puts his stamp of approval on me. so, for the time being...iwait....
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