Wednesday, March 18, 2009

the tooth fairy is gonna be broke soon!

Another eventful day for Griffin.. he was eating ANOTHER Skinny Cow and front tooth #2 can out. Actually he pulled this one out because he said that there was ice cream sandwich stuck between the tooth and gum. He was outside when this happened so I am glad the tooth did not get lost in the grass. So, 2 front teeth in 5 days..our tooth fairy needs a break!! Here is Griffin's video showing off his new smile...enjoy!

Friday, March 13, 2009

It's finally OUT!!!!

Griffin's 2 front teeth have been loose since our last visit to the dentist in December. He was reluctant to wiggle them and help the process along so it has taken 3 months for them to do the work on their own. Over the course of the last month or so, Griffin's trademark wide gap between his front teeth has been closing. That was the first major sign that these teeth were ready to come out.. then one of them started to turn greyish and became very loose. Kenny has been tugging and pulling all week trying to get it out to no avail. Finally, yesterday afternoon, Griffin was eating an ice cream sandwich after school and out popped the tooth right onto the kitchen counter! We were so excited and relieved that it was out. And not surprisingly, the big tooth is already peeking through the gum. Here is a little video clip from Griffin showing off his new look:

Monday, March 9, 2009


We got a baby swing for Julia this week.. what a perfect weekend to put her in it for the first time. As you can tell from the smile on her face, she LOVED it. She is really holding her head up and it won't be long before she is sitting up by herself. Where has the time gone, she's 4 months tomorrow and such a delightful baby girl!!