Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Griffin's thoughts on the Baby

"The baby is really small."

"This baby is almost as big as a cantaloupe."

"I like the baby."

"I think it's a boy!"

"I think it's name should be Griffin Jr."

"When I see the baby for the first time, I am going to think it's as big as a football."

"Since I already look like Daddy, the baby should look like Mommy."

"I think the baby is going to weigh 9lbs. 13 oz. just like me." (Let's hope not!!)

"I am going to teach the baby his ABC's."

"When I am 10, the baby is going to be my age (5)."

1 comment:

jennifer j said...

Congratulations!!!! It's so good to see what's going on with you guys. We too are expecting (#4) and I can totally sypathize with the 24 hr nausea. I can't wait for this stage to end. I'll be checking in on your blog often!