Thursday, August 21, 2008

1st day of Kindergarten stats:

Wake time: 6:40am

Special breakfast: Biscuits with grape jelly and scrambled eggs

Outfit: Gymboree shirt and shorts, crocs (of course)

Lunch: Lunchable with grapes, Aquapod and monkey munch for dessert

School Arrival time: 7:45

Teachers: Jen Kosa and Pamela Greene

School Pick up time: 2:40

Afterschool snack: Orange Julius, a special treat!!

Bedtime: 8:00pm.. and not a minute too soon!!!

Starting school this year was relatively easy because Griffin attended full day 4K last year. He is returning to the same teacher in the same classroom with some of the same students. I am very thankful for such an easy start to this important school year. The baby transition may be hard enough without a new school transition on top of that. Griffin's only wish was that he was going to 1st grade instead of Kindergarten. Many of his friends moved up this year so he missed them today. I am sure he will have no problem making new friends!!

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