Thursday, August 21, 2008

A total blur...

Today was a pretty important day at school for Griffin. Last year, during his 4K year, I walked him in to his classroom EVERY day. Many of the other children got dropped off at the door but he had no interest in that at all (which was fine with me). However, we decided that once he was in Kindergarten he would be big enough to make the walk down the LONG, LONG hallway by himself. (Not to mention the time and effort it will save me in the last weeks of my pregnancy and once the baby arrives..) So, we agreed that I would walk him in the first day of school then he would start the drop off on the 2nd day. He was too embarrassed for me to take a picture of him getting out of the car so here are the two that I managed to take before he realized what I was doing. The photo quality really stinks but I think they both sum up how the whole ordeal went.. It was a total blur and he was gone in an instant!

Of course, being the overprotective mother that I am, I parked the car and walked in behind him just to make sure he arrived safely at his destination...homemade blueberry muffins in hand for his teacher so I wouldn't look like a total idiot. He was very proud of himself and I think it will get a little easier for me each morning!

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