Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Julia at 6 weeks
Wow! Where has the time gone? It is hard to believe that only 6 weeks ago we were celebrating the birth of our precious Julia Rose!! She has changed so much in 6 short weeks and I can't believe how easy she has been so far. Griffin is such a loving and protective big brother and helps me attend to all of her baby needs. He is curious about all things baby and loves to entertain her!
At 6 weeks she is reaching some cute milestones: smiling in response to us, cooing when we talk to her, following us with her eyes as we move around the house, grabbing for things with her long little fingers and growing like a weed!
"Six" Milestones
Monday, December 15, 2008
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Griffin's Celebration of Life!!
Today, Kenny and I attended Griffin's Celebration of Life ceremony in his classroom at school. This is such a neat practice that the Montessori school does for each child's birthday. He was so proud to listen as we read about his accomplishments and show his classmates the photos from each year of his life. Where has the time gone? 6 years have passed in the blink of an eye!!
Happy Birthday Griffin!!
Being a Mom of two...
Julia's 1st bottle
Griffin's Thanksgiving feast
Griffin's class had their annual Thanksgiving feast in the classroom last Tuesday. The video is too cute...Enjoy!
Monday, December 1, 2008
Sweet photos of Julia's first days!
Funny faces!!
Julia's 1st bath
Sunday, November 30, 2008
The Big Brother
Griffin was soooooo excited to finally meet Baby Julia. When he arrived at the hospital, she was getting some TLC in the nursery so that gave us a chance to spend some time with Griffin and tell him all about his baby sister. He got a special sticker and signed himself in at the front desk. He also had a Big Brother t-shirt and got some ice cream and cake to celebrate Julia's real "birth" day...it was a fun time even before the guest of honor arrived in the room.
Kenny and I were both anxious to see Griffin's reaction to his new sister and could not have been more pleased to see the delight in his face when he actually saw her and got to hold her.
He has been so great with her..talks to her all the time, holds her, gets diapers, burp cloths and all the baby necessities as long at he doesn't have to change a diaper!! He even prays for her to have a good night's sleep each night and we all hope that prayer is answered around here!!
Julia's finally here!!
We had the most wonderful nurse with us the entire day and the Dr. who delivered was Andrea's neighbor, Ted Garcia. The neatest part of the entire process was that Kenny got to deliver Julia into the world. Dr. Garcia instructed him but he did all the work. It was definitely a life changing experience for us!
Just as we suspected, she was a big baby like her brother...9lbs. 6 oz. and 21 1/2 inches long.. but totally dainty and perfect in every way!!
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Baby update.....still waiting!!
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Baby Julia update
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Can you find him??
After 9 long months of anticipation, I think I am ready.. as ready as I will ever be for bringing a child into the world. All of the superficial things are complete: bag packed, nursery decorated, clothes washed, house clean (if it can ever be clean enough?)...now comes the hard part - the WAITING!!
After a visit to the Dr. on Monday, I was given the good news that I am scheduled for an induction on Wed. Oct. 29th!!! It sounds too good to be true and will be too good to be true if my body is not naturally on the way to delivery... so let's hope for the best over the rest of the week and hope that Julia is ready to make her big entrance! We are so ready to meet her!! My official due date is November 5th so a week early would hopefully ensure that she will not be as big as her brother was (9lbs. 13 at a week overdue!!) Regardless of how or when she arrives, we are so ready to welcome her into our family... The final decision on the induction will be made on Monday Oct. 27th at my next Dr. appt. He will check my cervix to see if things are progressing before he officially puts his stamp of approval on me. so, for the time being...iwait....
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Go Panthers!!
While I was at the baby shower on Sunday, Kenny took Griffin to his first Panthers home game! They were both decked out in their Panthers gear and at half time, Kenny took Griffin to have his face painted like a Panther. It was so cool and all he wanted to do was stare at himself in the mirror.
Then we washed the paint off and realized that Griffin had an allergic reaction to the paint... he has had a swollen face and rash for the past 3 days...I guess he won't be getting his face painted again but he sure did look cool!!
Riding the bike...the video
Dummy me turned the camera vertical, forgetting that the video mode can only go horizontal, so pardon the bad filming skills....and of course, he ends in a crash that busted his lip...but no big deal (Thank goodness for the helmet). He was up on the bike after some ice, a popsicle and a few tears! He's tough!
Griffin's on 2 wheels!
A few weeks ago Kenny took the training wheels off of Griffin's bike and taught him how to ride. I was a nervous wreck but knew he would eventually get the hang of it. He has had a couple of spills and a busted lip but is keeping at it! I think Kenny got just as much exercise as Griffin did...maybe more!!
This is after the big spill and busted lip.. he didn't want me to take his picture but I snuck one while he wasn't looking!
May the force be with you!!
When Target put out their Halloween stuff, I picked up a Darth Vader costume complete with the gloves, mask, red light saber and a voice changer that he can activate behind his mask by pushing a button! You have never seen a happier kid! He has practically worn the costume out in the two weeks that we have had it.. I just hope it holds up for Halloween!
Griffin has always loved dressing up in costumes so I figured that I might as well get my money's worth this year and let him have it early enough to enjoy it! Here are some photos of him in Vader mode!!
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
My studio
The Nursery....pretty in pink!
I have been working diligently to get the finishing touches on the nursery so I am not scrambling around at the last minute to do things like I did in Griffin's room. Everything has been made, recovered, borrowed, bought and washed...now all I need to do is decide exactly where I want the furniture to go and hang the stuff on the walls. I am in love with the drapes and the monogrammed valance (which mom made for me)...a sweet room for a sweet baby girl!
Baby Julia at 30 weeks!!
The second photo is her foot in her face..she is very flexible it seems or else there is not much room for her in my stomach!
She is very healthy and is right on track for my due date of November 5th. Her current weight is 3.8 lbs. and her legs are measuring a few weeks ahead so she may be on the tall side? I guess we will see when she arrives!
Thursday, August 21, 2008
A total blur...
Of course, being the overprotective mother that I am, I parked the car and walked in behind him just to make sure he arrived safely at his destination...homemade blueberry muffins in hand for his teacher so I wouldn't look like a total idiot. He was very proud of himself and I think it will get a little easier for me each morning!
1st day of Kindergarten stats:
Wake time: 6:40am
Special breakfast: Biscuits with grape jelly and scrambled eggs
Outfit: Gymboree shirt and shorts, crocs (of course)
Lunch: Lunchable with grapes, Aquapod and monkey munch for dessert
School Arrival time: 7:45
Teachers: Jen Kosa and Pamela Greene
School Pick up time: 2:40
Afterschool snack: Orange Julius, a special treat!!
Bedtime: 8:00pm.. and not a minute too soon!!!
Starting school this year was relatively easy because Griffin attended full day 4K last year. He is returning to the same teacher in the same classroom with some of the same students. I am very thankful for such an easy start to this important school year. The baby transition may be hard enough without a new school transition on top of that. Griffin's only wish was that he was going to 1st grade instead of Kindergarten. Many of his friends moved up this year so he missed them today. I am sure he will have no problem making new friends!!