Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Griffin's thoughts on the Baby

"The baby is really small."

"This baby is almost as big as a cantaloupe."

"I like the baby."

"I think it's a boy!"

"I think it's name should be Griffin Jr."

"When I see the baby for the first time, I am going to think it's as big as a football."

"Since I already look like Daddy, the baby should look like Mommy."

"I think the baby is going to weigh 9lbs. 13 oz. just like me." (Let's hope not!!)

"I am going to teach the baby his ABC's."

"When I am 10, the baby is going to be my age (5)."

Into the 2nd trimester...finally!

Well, just as I had hoped, the second trimester has brought some normalcy back into my life (and that of Kenny and Griffin too!). The morning sickness has passed and energy has replaced it. I heard the baby's heartbeat again at my 14 week visit. Thankfully, it was easy to find this time and about 156 beats which is a good healthy rate. As I had been warned, the second pregnancy shows much quicker that the first so I feel much farther along than I am.

We will be finding out the sex of the baby at week 18...June 3...any predictions on what you think it may be?


Baby's 1st Easter basket...beside big brother's overflowing basket!!

The day before Easter was quite exciting for Griffin...he lost his first tooth. The Easter Bunny and the Tooth Fairy visited him in the same night. What a lucky little boy!!

Week 10 - hearing the heartbeat!!

My week 10 visit to Dr. Northcutt fell during Griffin' spring break. I decided it would be neat to take him with me so he could be a part of this whole process and hear the first heartbeat with me. Well, the nurse tried to find it by just pressing on my belly with Griffin standing by...no luck. I guess the baby was just too small or my uterus was tilted or something.. so Griffin quickly lost interest - Thank Goodness!! Dr. Northcutt ended up having to do a pelvic exam to push my uterus up to be able to hear it...not something I would have wanted with my 5 yr. old in the room. Thankfully, I packed the iPod and the Leapster to keep him entertained so he missed the whole ordeal. I just wish he could have heard the heat beat...oh well.. we have plenty more visits to go. I am happy to report that baby's 10 week heart rate was a very rapid 176!

It's not easy being GREEN!!

Week 6 proved to be a roller coaster of a week for me. It was my first visit to Dr. Northcutt, we told Griffin about the baby and the morning sickness set in!! I was not armed for battled with the latter as I didn't have anything close to morning sickness when I was pregnant with Griffin. From the minute my feet hit the floor in the morning until I closed my eyes at night, I have been a nauseous mess! Needless to say, crackers and ginger ale became fast friends!!

I quit drinking coffee (which hurt me to the core...) and meanwhile, Kenny started drinking it for the first time in his life. I got a kick out of that switch! I have pretty much avoided the kitchen like the plague except to cook for Griffin. Thank goodness Kenny has been doing Weight Watchers and preparing his own meals! I have been doing lot's of take out: a fixation with McDonald's for a couple of weeks, a Japanese food binge, Outback cheese fries (sorry for the temptation KK)...not something I am proud of but it has gotten me through!!

I am hoping this stage will end as quickly as it began!!